Your ESO Build Planer
Create your ESO Build and share them with other Players!
In the ESO-Skillfactory you can forge your class. You can distribute your skill points and save your own build. When doing that, you are flexible: you can save many builds and always see them again to edit them. A man forges his own destiny!
We'll never leave you alone. Other players will find a way to this site and look for YOUR build. With our flexible search everybody can easily find the builds if they don't want to create their own.
You can help other players by creating skill guides with a suitable description and be a mentor to new players of ESO. Use the ESO-Skillfactory and showcase your own build!
If you have questions or problems, our administrators will be there for you: Just ask Chufu gro-Khash or Keldor ingame or with our contact form.
So come on!
Go directly to the skillplanner, create your own build and share it with other players or guilds!
Have fun with our ESO-Skillfactory!
New Builds
- Arcanist 44 Trial
- Sabinus Dragon-Heart (Unfinished)
- 1 Bar Nightblade Gank Build!! Update 44
- OJ Tha Juiceman
Show more Builds
- Update to Gold Road (10.1.5) 08/20/2024
- Arcanist live in the skillplanner! 04/24/2023
- Automatic updates + Patch 8.3.5 Scribes of Fate 04/20/2023
- Champion system revised + update to patch 7.0.7 (Blackwood) 07/08/2021
- Update Flames of Ambition in progress + new equipment feature 04/24/2021
Show all News